Personal Development
The Market Bosworth School provides all students with the opportunity to develop beyond the academic. We believe that students should be taught about the wider and diverse aspects of modern life, in order to ensure that they become responsible, respectful and active citizens, who are able to play their part in the wider community beyond school. The promotion and delivery of areas such as Citizenship, RE, PSHE, along with the promotion of British Values and Protected Characteristics and the wider Extended Curriculum are vital parts in this, to ensure that students develop the character and resilience to not only engage, but flourish in society.
Our curriculum offers this in abundance and this can be seen on a day to day basis in the students at The Market Bosworth School.
Curriculum provision for Personal Development is widespread, including CARE lessons, Assemblies, Tutor time (Personal Development sessions, Positive Discipline recording sessions, Interform), Extended Curriculum, Trips and Visits and our whole school CORE Values that are designed to be modelled by all stakeholders.
CARE (Citizenship, RE, PSHE)
Students will learn and develop skills, knowledge and understanding in order to make them a valued member of society in adult life. Mutual respect, responsibility, tolerance and empathy are key skills to possess in the diverse society and world that we live in, so that we can thrive together. Students will develop age-appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding to support a healthy active lifestyle, in which positive relationships can be formed and risks can be managed to ensure well-being. Students will be supported in aspects of careers, finance and digital literacy to ensure that they are ready to enter the world of higher education, training or employment and have the character skills to thrive as an individual and as part of a team.
Based on the aims of the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus we allow all students the opportunity to:
- Make sense of a range of religious and non-religious views
- Understand the impact and significance of religious and non-religious beliefs.
- Make connections between religious and non-religious beliefs, concepts, and practices.
Curriculum Provision
At KS3 students have three CARE lessons over the fortnight in addition to a weekly Personal Development session during tutor time. CARE lessons focus on developing prior knowledge around key aspects of Citizenship, RE and PSHE in a variety of different ways.
At Key Stage 4, students have the opportunity to choose Citizenship as a full GCSE but all students have the opportunity to build upon on the KS3 themes through our assembly programme, extra-curricular activities, trips and personal development tutor program. Core PE lessons also include PSHE, drugs and alcohol, first aid, and through a well-planned personal development program students will learn about and develop the skills that make them a valued member of society. The learning outcomes include:
- Community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society
- A sense of empathy, understanding and the ability to work effectively within a team
- Provoking challenging questions whilst considering religious beliefs and viewpoints of different faiths.
- Considering the issues of right and wrong and implications this has for society.
- An understanding of key issues and topics that influence students’ thinking and actions.
- Awareness of the importance of health & wellbeing and relationships
- Understanding and appreciation of living in the wider world, including careers, finance, and digital literacy.
Exam board specification: Edexcel Citizenship
Click here to view the GCSE Citizenship Overview
Click here to view the CARE Curriculum Overview
Link to Protected Characteristics
All year groups have an assembly each week. These are a combination of face to face and virtual, to ensure that all weeks are covered if spaces are not available because of other events or exams. We value the importance of students gathering and being delivered key concepts and messages.
We aim to again widen our students' understanding of the wider world by linking assembly themes with what is going on in the wider world, in addition to promoting a sense of self, responsibility, next steps and safety. Themes covered include:
- TMBS CORE Values
- Attendance
- International Literacy Day and the importance of reading
- Careers - including visits from providers & National Careers Week
- Recycle Week
- Child on child abuse
- Metacognition and revision techniques (KS4)
- Safer Internet Day
- Vaping
- Black History Month
- Halloween (Pagan), All Saints Day (Christianity)
- Diwali (Hindu) & Divali (Sikhi)
- Remembrance Day
- International Faith Week
- Work Experience Launch (Yr 10)
- Mock Preparation (KS4)
- Children In Need/Comic Relief
- Anti-Bullying
- Road Safety
- Brec’s Last Game/Kayleigh’s Love Story
- Food Bank Appeal
- Lockdown Procedure
- Yr 9 Options
- Human Rights Day
- Christmas (Christianity)
- Winter Solstice (Pagan)
- Wellbeing & Mental Health
- World Religions Day
- Holocaust Memorial Day
- Motivational Assemblies (KS4)
- Inclusion at TMBS
- LBGTQ+ Month
- Children’s Mental Health Week
- Lent (Christianity)
- Mothering Sunday (Christianity)
- British Science Week
- Ramadan (Muslim)
- Holi (Hindu)
- Easter (Christianity)
- Determination
- Understanding Autism
- End of Ramadan (Muslim)
- Passover (Jewish)
- Holocaust (Jewish)
- Christian Aid Week (Christianity)
- Diversity
- Moving up - Readiness for the next steps