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Careers Programme at TMBS  

A key function of our curriculum is to prepare students to transition successfully toward a future career path. This involves providing curriculum opportunities to build students’ general capabilities, support students’ interests and aspirations, and support them to make informed decisions about their subject choices and pathways. The careers program at TMBS spans across the whole school providing all students with access to careers education and guidance. The program is an embedded part of the curriculum and incorporates a wide range of activities throughout the year which is delivered in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and CDI Learning Outcomes.

The Careers Leader for the school is Mrs Beth May.  She is available to discuss training and careers and to give impartial information, advice, guidance and support to students about their future.

Her email address is: 

Making an Appointment

All students receive a 1-1 career interview in Year 10 with Mrs May. Follow up appointments during Year 11 can be booked if required. Mrs May is available to see students across all year groups throughout the year when requested.

Careers across the school

  • Year 7 –  Opportunity to join the school's STEM club, 'Job of the Week' videos through tutor time and an introduction to careers through CARE lessons, National Apprenticeship Week activities, National Careers Week activities, guest speakers and employers in assemblies.
  • Year 8 – 'Job of the Week' videos through tutor time, careers through CARE lessons, Big Bang Trip, employer led assemblies,  National Apprenticeship Week activities, National Careers Week activities and STEM club.
  • Year 9 – Access to careers champions talks, careers through CARE lessons, employer led assemblies,  National Apprenticeship Week activities, National Careers Week activities and National Space Centre trip.
  • Year 10 – 1-1 careers interviews for the whole year group, access to careers champions talks, Skills Show trip, Labour Market Information activities delivered through tutor time slots, CV writing, work experience, National Apprenticeship Week activities, National Careers Week activities, guest speakers in assemblies and mock interviews. 
  • Year 11- Post 16 applications, follow up guidance interviews, tutor time activities focusing on personal statements and post 16 interview preparation, guest speakers and employers in assemblies, National Apprenticeship Week activities, National Careers Week activities, University information, career champions talks, post 16 options and exams evening and college visits.

Click here to view the KS3 Careers Curriculum Overview

Click here to view the KS4 Careers Curriculum Overview

Annual review - June 2024

Annual Governors approval and review - June 

Information on the Gatsby Benchmarks can be found via the following link:    

Information on the CDI Learning Outcomes can be found via the following link:


In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next steps after TMBS, we will now be using Unifrog; an award-winning, online destinations platform. All students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 now have access to this website.

Unifrog is the universal destinations platform and is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own account where they can explore all the career and next step options available to them and find information on everything from managing their workload to writing a winning CV. Students have access to a wide variety of video and written content, and interactive quizzes and tests, including:

Section of the platform

Examples of what students can do

Suitable age range


Finding their interests, personality type, preferred work environment, and skillset.

Years 7-13

Exploring pathways

Explore careers, career sectors, subjects, sign up to free webinars, explore MOOCs and courses, and find wider reading materials.

Years 7-13

Recording what you’ve done

Record their in-class and extracurricular activities, record examples of their skills, and see the record of CEIAG events the school has added to their accounts.

Years 7-13

Searching for opportunities

Find scholarships, activities, and bursaries to support their HE journey. Find and compare degrees in the UK and overseas, live apprenticeships, and FE courses.

Years 10-13

Application materials / Making applications

Write their CV, cover letter, Personal Statement, and more. Track their applications and record their Post 16 / 18 intentions.

Years 11-13

Students access the platform by clicking a link in their welcome email, where they create a password and can begin using the platform. They sign in to Unifrog using their email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next step.

KS4 will use it to assist with CV writing, Labour Market Information sessions and career research/post 16 options.

KS3 will use it as a starting point to explore careers through CARE lessons.

You can also have your own Unifrog account. You’ll be able to research careers, attend webinars delivered by employers and universities to learn more about their opportunities, and compare pathways so you can support your child in making an informed decision about their next steps. 

The sign up code you need is: TMBSparent and you can sign up here: You can also sign up to Unifrog’s parent / carer newsletter when you first sign in to get expert advice and guidance on supporting your child with their next steps.

Post 16 Pathways Applications at The Market Bosworth School

Post 16 applications take part during school time in Year 11. Students will be allocated a day off timetable to apply to their chosen college or provider.

The format of the day is:-

Lesson 1-3  Students will start by completing personal statements which are needed for any post 16 application. During these sessions students will be given a booklet with a step-by guide on how to write a personal statement, will watch a short video and will also be given examples of well written personal statements to assist them in completing their own. 

Lesson 4-5  The afternoon session will be for students to apply for post 16 places at local colleges and providers. They will log onto the independent provider’s website and complete the                            online application form adding in predicted grades and their personal statements. 

These sessions will be supported by Mrs May, the Head of Year 11 and Year 11 tutors.

Schools/colleges will start to process students' applications in January and interviews can be arranged as early as the end of January. Students will be contacted via email or text message inviting them to attend interviews. If post 16 interviews take place during the school day, then we will need to be informed of this.

If students cannot make an interview appointment, then they must inform the post 16 provider. Schools and colleges are always happy to re-arrange appointments.

Should students have already made independent applications to colleges/apprenticeship vacancies/armed forces then they will be expected to bring in revision material for the day and can also work on updating their CVs and preparing for post 16 interviews.


The school works closely with the local National Apprenticeship Team who come into school throughout the year to deliver assemblies, group talks and attend career events.

Students are also provided with local apprenticeship vacancies in the area on a regular basis and information on how to search and apply for apprenticeships in their 1-1 careers interviews.

National Apprenticeship Service

A Parent's guide to apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships - Parents' Pack

Rate My Apprenticeship

National Apprenticeship Week

Amazing Apprenticeships Website


The Big Assembly

WorkPays Talks


What is Labour Market Information?

When you talk about the labour market, you are referring to all the people who are able to work and want jobs in an area, in relation to the number of jobs there are available in that area, and what sorts of jobs and sectors feature in that area.

My main focus is that students are aware of the key job sectors that are available locally and areas in which jobs will be available in the future to assist with career planning and ideas.

Each Year 10 student has been given a copy of the ‘What Work Leicestershire’ booklet to bring home.  What Work Leicestershire summarises:

  • Different work sectors across the LLEP area
  • Numbers of people employed in those areas
  • Which jobs are in demand
  • Skills that employers value
  • Suggested links to find out more about working in that sector
  • What employers look for in prospective employees

It also includes practical information about where to access careers advice such as the National Careers Service, and local events that can help.

In addition, a labour market guide for adults is also available in order to help adults make well-informed careers decisions.

For more information please visit the LLEP website: LLEP Labour Market Information


Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.


 Take the Skillsometer test

the world of work llep 2021 22.pdf



16-19 Bursary Fund Guide

You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re aged 16 to 19 and:

  • studying at a publicly funded school or college in England - not a university
  • on a training course, including unpaid work experience

A publicly funded school is one that doesn’t charge you for attending it.

16-19 Bursary Fund Guide

There is also information on subsidised transport for 16 to 19 year olds in education on the link below.

16-19 Transport Funding

Provider Access Framework

Click the link to view the Provider Access Policy

Useful Websites

Ideas for Careers

National Careers Service

Careers Advice for Parents


Barclays Life Skills



Amazing Apprenticeships

Leicester Employment Hub

Career Map

Success at School

Start information for parents