Useful Links

Useful Links


Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) liaises closely with all staff and other external agencies in order to support our most vulnerable students and those who have additional needs.  Our SENDCo leads a team of very experienced Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), who work with class teachers to ensure that work is differentiated and accessible for all of our students. The parents/carers of those students with a pupil passport or Statement of Education Need are invited into school and we are available for any child who feels that support may be needed.

If a student has special education needs then we will most likely have that information from the primary school.  Your previous school will tell us if you need any extra help at school and what support you have had so far.

Some children have special needs that we don’t know about.  If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the SENDCo.  In turn, if we are concerned we will contact you.

Quality First teaching involves the effective inclusion of all students in high quality every day teaching.  Teaching is based on clear objectives that are shared with the students, new vocabulary is carefully explained and interactive teaching styles make maximum use of different ways of learning.

We help and support students in a variety of ways to help everyone to learn and achieve.  You may have in-class support, provided by an experienced member of staff from the SEND team.  You may work on a one to one basis or in small groups with a Learning Support Assistant. You may work on our literacy and numeracy support programmes.

We also run a break and lunch time club, which we call ‘The Hub’.  This is located in Multi-use 4 and is open to everyone.



Points of contact:

Inclusion Director - Mrs N James - email: 

SENDCo - Mrs E Brown - email:

Assistant SENDCo - Mrs K Withers - email: 

Useful links for parents:

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

LCC Local Offer


Useful websites