Ski trip blog Day 2
Day 2
Yet again, we awoke to blue skies and fantastic conditions; perfect for most of the groups to start exploring higher up the mountain. Doing this does produce more and more stories, as the groups returned for lunch and shared their tales after the morning's skiing. Today’s notable events included: Ellie-Mae deciding that she wanted to ski with four poles and not two and then skied into a couple extra; Megan was nominated as the slowest skier; Faolan fancied a bit of unintentional off-piste action and had to dig his poles out of the snow! Charlie and Joe are officially the bromance of the trip, after Charlie beat Joe at a game of pool and then proceeded to kindly scrub the blue chalk from Joe’s face. Chloe gets the title of ‘most positive person’ on the ski trip: from having never skied before, to embracing the opportunity and loving every minute.
The evening entertainment was an adrenaline-fuelled hour of bum-boarding, followed by a trip down to Bormio village for the weekly cultural evening. This included: team games, skipping, tug of war and dancing. Top male dancer was awarded to Stan who had all the moves and was very nearly employed to stay on as a Bormio rep. Top female has to go to Abbie and Megan for also getting up on the stage and taking the lead in a dance routine. The evening was finished off with the first flurries of snow arriving on the mountain.