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Update on GCSE results collection

Dear Parent/Carer

Exam Results Day – Thursday 20 August 2020 10.00am – 11.30am

We hope that this email finds you and your family well.

Whilst we would have liked to give definitive information and guidance for results day today, this is unfortunately not possible in view of the current situation following A Level results release last week. If we are able to provide you with any other information before Thursday we will do, as usual you will receive a text notification of this.  In the meantime, information as it is published by Ofqual can be found at the

We still plan to hand out results outside on the tennis courts, however, if there is bad weather the collection will be moved to the activity centre. In either case can we please ask if driving to collect results, that you ONLY park in the back car park. The school building will not be open.

Please note for your information and safety, the following points:

  • Each student should queue considering social distance and should be on their own.
  • Parents are welcome to come along but please wait on the field to greet your child/children, or stay in your car.
  • Staff handing out results will be wearing face shields, there will be a second collection table where the results slip will be placed and hand sanitiser will be available for use.
  • We are not enforcing that students wear masks to collect results but if anyone feels more comfortable wearing one, then please do so.
  • In the event of bad weather as stated, we will move the collection tables into the Activity Centre, in this case you may be asked to wait in your car to be called in. Parents will still be welcome to wait on the field for your child/children or remain in the car.
  • Please be mindful of social distancing and only physically support students within your family group.
  • We do want to have some photographic memories of the day and staff may be taking some photographs.

A reminder to those who have requested that they have their results issued electronically, these will be sent from 11.30am onwards on the day.

If you want to get results electronically, there is still time to request them. Students must send the request from their email to

We look forward to seeing students on Thursday.

Kind regards

Mr Slattery