The Governing Board
The governors, who are highly committed, bring a range of expertise, interests, experience and knowledge to an active governing board. Governors are drawn from, and represent: parents, the community, and staff. The governing board takes responsibility for setting the strategic direction of the school and is supported in this by the school’s Senior Leadership Team.
Governors work, as volunteers, in the best interests of the school community, identifying areas for development and improvement in a school which has deservedly established an ‘outstanding’ reputation.
The Full Governing Board meets normally three times a year, and committees take responsibility for particular and specific aspects of governance.
Committee Structure:
- Steering Group
- Finance and Resources
- Teaching and Learning
- Progress and Attainment
- Behaviour and Safeguarding
These committees normally meet at least three times a year.
if you need to contact the Governing Board please ring the school office on 01455 290251.
Please click on the links below for information on the Governing Board. This will be updated annually.